DataHen for Enterprise Business Intelligence
Connect your Favorite Business Intelligence Tool to Clean Structured Web Data
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Centralized Data
Consolidate all your disparate web data sources into one single place
BI Connectivity
Connect your favorite BI tools to your clean data via our APIs or Connectors.
Data Cleanliness
Enterprise grade data collection processeses need high quality output. Define a set of data schemas to ensure the cleanliness of your data.
Highly Scalable
Scale your data collection processes to handle millions of records with a few mouse clicks.
Highly Customizable
Code based platform that allow for high customizability of data collection scenarios.
Advanced Scenarios
Go beyond the limitations of off-the-shelf data collection tools. DataHen can handle difficult scenarios that other tools can’t cover.
Why use DataHen for Enterprise Business Intelligence?
External web data sources are usually located in disparate locations and in different formats, it is time-consuming, brittle and sometimes scary to clean them at scale. DataHen standardizes and consolidates your multiple data sources onto a single location, so that they can be easily ingested into your favorite Business Intelligence Tool.

Easily code, deploy & maintain data collection processes to feed your BI tools.
Scale your data collection processes to handle millions of records with a few mouse clicks.
Connect your favorite Business Intelligence tools to your clean structured data easily.
Data Services
Need help with building or maintaining complex data collection processes? Our team of experts will develop the best possible solution for your needs.
Easily code, deploy & maintain data collection processes to feed your BI tools.
Ruby Programming Language
Powerful yet easy-to-learn programming language.
# initialize nokogiri
nokogiri = Nokogiri.HTML(content)
# get the listings
listings = nokogiri.css('ul.b-list__items_nofooter li.s-item')
# loop through the listings
listings.each do |listing|
# save the product info to outputs.
outputs << {
_collection: "products",
title: listing.at_css('h3.s-item__title')&.text,
price: listing.at_css('.s-item__price')&.text
# enqueue more pages to be scraped
pages << {
url: item_link['href'] unless item_link.nil?,
page_type: 'details'
Save Time & Effort
Short Learning Curve. Easy to use Platform for Web Scraping, API Integrations and ETL processes.
Integrated Development Flow
Robust End to End Platform for your Team to Develop, Run & Maintain Data Collection Processes.
Export to Various Formats
Easily export to JSON, CSV, or other formats.
Custom Rubygem
Use your favorite rubygems that can easily help you collect data better.
Ensure Clean & Accurate Data
Use the JSON-schema specifications to ensure clean and accurate data.
Easy troubleshooting of bugs
View the log to pinpoint bugs in your code.
Scale your data collection processes to handle millions of records with a few mouse clicks.

Parallel Processing
Whether you want to collect data from multiple sources at once, or one source faster, we can handle it.
Auto Proxy Rotation
No need to worry about IP bans, we auto rotate IPs on any requests that are made.
Cron Based Scheduler
Use CRON's powerful scheduling syntax to schedule your process to run on your specified time.
Connect your favorite Business Intelligence tools to your clean structured data easily.

Full API Access
Integrate your apps to interact with your recently collected data, or any deeper platform functionalities.
Business Intelligence Connectivity
Connect Google Data Studio, Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, or other tools to your data via APIs and connectors
Internet as a database
No longer are you constrained by existing data inside your company, the DataHen platform can collect cleanse data for you from anywhere on the internet.
Data Services
Need help with building or maintaining complex data collection processes? Our team of experts will develop the best possible solution for your needs.

Fast and Reliable Service
Don’t waste any more time with long feedback cycles, missing data, or misunderstanding of your specs and needs. We’ll get your data as soon as possible, without sacrificing quality!
Highly Experienced Experts
Enterprise grade data collections need a high quality output. Our team of experts will develop the best possible solution to your data collection needs.
No Software Needed
There is no need to download or learn any software. Just tell us your data collection needs and we’ll do the rest!
Don't take our words for it, read what others have to say.